Posture--Effortless Uprightness:
All types of postural problems are addressed in the Alexander Technique, including scoliosis, sway back, and slouching. The interplay between mind and body is considered, so the student understands the root cause of the problem and how to change habits that interfere with effortless uprightness.
Chronic Pain and Repetitive Stress Injuries:
Back Pain: According to a study by the British Medical Journal, back pain was reduced 85% with lessons in the Alexander Technique. See link on Media page.
Neck Pain: I began my study of the Alexander Technique when I had chronic neck pain, and have first-hand experience of how Alexander Technique lessons provide the skills needed for a full recovery.
Repetitive Stress Injuries: Alexander Technique provides understanding of body mechanics and our responses to stressful situations, reducing behaviors that are physically damaging.
Joint Replacement: Often joint replacement can be avoided, but if it is required, Alexander Technique can aid in regaining full use of the joint and eliminate habits of movement that led to the injury.
Mental Poise:
Students find that improved mental use positively affects their physical, mental, and emotional coordination. They commonly report feeling generally happier, more socially comfortable, and are more adaptable in challenging situations. With improved mental coordination there are more choices, adaptability, and creativity.
An Alexander Technique instructor need not be expert in an activity to help student understand how to participate in the activity with more confidence, coordination, and grace. Lessons typically incorporate breathing and voice coordination.
Pregnancy and infant/toddler care: